Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Giveaway Sneak Peek

I have 95 followers which means I can show the sneak peak of my giveaway for when I hit 100 followers!

I have really enjoyed getting to know so many of you. This giveaway will help you get to know me better because it will include 5 of my favorite things!

Here is one of the items to be included in the giveaway...
5 followers away!


ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Oooh nice! I hope the giveaway is open to international bloggers. =)

Emily said...

I'll bump you to 96 because I do love a good giveaway. Can't wait to see what other fun stuff you're offering up.

Jessica said...

Oooh! Love me some Mary Kay!!!

Julie @ The Smitten Mintons said...

Oh that stuff is awesome! 4 more to go!! :)

Sarah said...

I'm excited!! Hope you had a great Thursday!

Mrs. Gardner said...

I just became follower 97! I am enjoying your blog!