Friday, January 6, 2012

52 week home organized challenge

One of my New Years resolutions is to live a more organized life. I often find myself frantically looking around for something that I need right away and it shouldn't be like that! We have a big year ahead of us and I want nothing more than to start it off organized. I have a few ideas to help me accomplish this but this 52 week home challenge that i found on Pinterest and a few other blogs, is a big one. I don't follow always follow through with things like this but I am going to try my best!! My goal is to post before and after pictures. Some could be embarrassing but the end result will be great!! (I hope)

Week #1: Countertops & Sinks
I am focusing on my kitchen counters and sinks. Sometimes after a long day at work and cooking dinner, the kitchen doesn't get cleaned. It is rare but sometimes happens. I sleep better with a clean kitchen! Our big problem is letting things pile up such as mail, receipts, and other junk. Here is the picture of the counters before....

and after...

Cleaning them off/up only took me 20 mins. All of the candy on one of the counters is now in a bag and going to my school. I will make some teachers happy tomorrow!! The dishes are now in the dishwasher and the appliances we don't use are put away. I hope I keep up with it (with Chris's help). The counters are not a dumping ground!

If you want to join me on this journey, you can find more information about it here. Leave a comment if you are doing it so I can check out your blog. We can hold each other more accountable!

Next weeks challenge: Kitchen cabinets & cupboards


henning love said...

a clean house, i need to pick one room and just clean it up too. one room a day that isn't that hard and it makes it less overwhelming!

Jordan Smith said...

I nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award! It was "awarded" to me by another blogger, and now I pass it on to my five favorite bloggers!

It's an award for those newer to the blogging world with less than 200 followers! If you'd like to participate you can see the guideline of the award on my blog! :]

love your blog, hope you're having a great start to 2012!!