Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It's Wednesday and time to link up with Jamie at This Kind of Love.
I am loving that I will be at the beach for a week with my husband and family. Here are pictures from our last trip to Destin (minus my husband).

I am loving that I may be getting a new car. We brought home the camaro for a few days & it really isn't the car for me. This is...
I had one, got rid of it, regret it, and want another one. Is that stupid? The one I am looking at would be the smoky granite mica color. I had silver before & it was beautiful but the granite is my favorite.

I am loving that my guided reading presentation is over! It went awesome minus the technology not working right.

I am loving that I have cooked at home 2 nights in a row. Both dinners were super easy and I boiled enough chicken the first night to use the second night so it was quick! (Don't let the awful pictures steer you away from trying the amazing recipes)

Chicken Enchiladas (with plenty of leftovers)
Chicken Rollup found here
I am loving my husband and am hoping he will come around to the idea of me getting this car.

Lighting is funky but getting excited for football/tailgating season and love the picture!

What are you loving today?


henning love said...

i'm loving that second car, so classy, i'm loving those chicken enchiladas, looks amazing!

Nat{natyouraveragegirl} said...

man those enchiladas look great! and that car is suhweet! thanks for stopping by and glad your presentation went well!

Mere said...

Yay for a new car!
I love homemade chicken enchiladas...maybe more than enchiladas from a restaurant!

Kristen said...

You definitely have to love the car if you're going to have it for a few years! Sounds like you need to do a test run to be sure of what ya want. :)

And I'd love another words with friends player! lol My SN is KristenS1010 if ya wanna play!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Love that car!! The chicken roll up and chicken enchiladas look SO yummy!!

Laura Darling said...

I'm so excited for football season too! just one more month to wait!